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Treating everyone with respect is our company motto as well as our way of doing business.  We strive to treat everyone with respect at all times while at the same time demand respect back.  This has now become part of our reputation even with the undesirable members of society. 


Why US? How does this help our clients? 

The undesirables know we will always treat them with respect but will also arrest and detain them for the police should they venture onto properties we are protected.  This reputation has resulted in dramatic decreases in criminal activity on all of our sites.  Because of this, you will see a difference on your site with a Griffin Security Professionals patrolling.

About Us

Griffin Investigation & Security Services Ltd. was formed in 2008 by Brian R. Goldstone, a retired member of the RCMP.  From its onset, Griffin was developed to fill the void between the majority of security companies and our police services.  As such we are designed to function in a pro-active rather than a reactive manner.  Everything from our fully marked vehicles with light bars to our uniform complete with duty belts is set in place to create an authoritative yet friendly appearance.  At the same time, our Security Professionals are trained to be attentive, friendly and service-oriented.  All of our Security Professionals are well versed in law and know their authorities under the various statutes we work.  This includes the Criminal Code of Canada, Trespass Act, Safe Streets Act and Bylaws.  All of the Security Professionals working at Griffin are in fact true professionals in our industry.


Last year Griffin handled approximately 13,000 calls for assistance from our clients.  Approximately 80% of these relate to incidents of the protection of people and property.  Additionally, the vast majority of these calls would have been called to the Police and while on occasion we involve the Police, the majority we handle on our own. 

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