Our SPs
Griffin Security provides our Security Professionals with a higher pay level than is seen in most of the industry outside of Greater Vancouver. This higher rate of pay gives us the opportunity to select only the best Professionals available. Griffin Security hires all races, sex and age groups and demands that our Security Professionals speak clear English. Each Security Guard is fully licensed. Many of our Security Professionals are former or retired Correctional Officers and former or retired members of the Armed Forces.
Each Security Guard is issued with a complete uniform supplied by Griffin Security. This ensures that each Security Guard provides a uniform appearance. Our uniforms have been designed to be highly visible adding to the deterrence factor of Security.
Dress and deportment are paramount at Griffin Security. A professional appearance and demeanour add to the ability of Griffin Security to present deterrence to the undesirables as well as instills confidence with the general public and our clients.
Training is of utmost importance to everything we do. We believe that in order to successfully complete a task. Therefore our Security Professionals are trained to the highest level available. Ongoing training is offered in house. The following is just a sample of the training available to our Security Professionals.
Basic Security Training (BST) (Required)
Advanced Security Training. (AST)
First Aid Level I and II
Radio Communication
Report Writing
Site-Specific Training.
You will be proud to have a Griffin Security Professional at your business.
Griffin Security is one of the largest security companies in the upper Fraser Valley. With a Supervisor/ Support vehicle on 24/7, our Security Professionals have direct supervision and back up when required. When Griffin Security Professionals find a problem or require back up to your site they can rest assured that help and support is not far away. No additional charge is made to the client for this back-up patrol.

Griffin Security prides itself in supplying our Security Professionals with the best equipment available. This greatly assists them in completing their tasks rapidly, efficiently thus producing a security envelope for our clients that is the best that can be produced and still be cost-effective to our clients.
Body Armour
Our Security Professionals wear body armour that is both ballistic and stab-proof. This gives our Security Professionals an added level of protection and allows them to take action with confidence.
Griffin Security is believed to have the highest percentage of Advanced Security Trained (AST) Security Professionals. This training allows our Security Professionals to safely keep an arrested person in custody while waiting for the police. The training and handcuffs used and exactly the same as the police.
Our distinct red vehicles are fully marked and equipped with light bars that allow us to ensure the undesirables see we are present on your site. Our reputation combined with high visibility will assist in keeping your site safe and secure.
Each of our vehicles also has a level II first aid kit on board. All vehicles are also GPS tracked.
Radio Communication
All Griffin Security Professionals are issued and carry portable radios on their person at all times. Communication is key to keeping our Security Professional safe and your site secure. Radio Checks are conducted with each Security Professional every 30 minutes. This also allows our Security Professionals to be confident in their actions knowing that backup and support is only a radio call away.
FLIR – Forward-Looking Infra-Red Camera
Griffin Security has a FLIR that is vehicle-mounted. This unit can be deployed to any site where darkness provides cover for the undesirables to commit their crimes. This unit virtually allows us to see in the dark, pinpoint the location of these unwanted people on a site allowing us to box them in for the capture. We can also tape the entire event in both Infra-Red or colour for future court use.